Admissions are based on availability of space and determination of staff that a child will benefit from the environment. Garden School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national and ethnic origin in its admissions or other policies of its program. Consideration will be given to balancing the class in terms of age and gender.
A completed application, accompanied by a $200 check, is submitted to the school to request admission. The $95 submitted with the application will be refunded if the child is not accepted by Garden School.

TUITION FOR 2025-2026:

Tuition is based on 10 months in addition to the $200 registration fee.
Monthly tuition is $625 for 3 days a week, $775 for 4 days a week and $925 for 5 days a week.
Your tuition is our only source of income, please pay on time.
Parents are asked to pay special activities. These activities are voluntary and you do not have to participate.


In order to reserve a place for the following year, parents are asked to submit a completed application and a $200 registration fee by January 15. Returning children will be given priority for enrollment, followed by siblings of currently enrolled children and siblings of previously enrolled children. Enrollment will be open to the public to fill any remaining openings beginning January 15.

If it is determined by either the parent or Garden School that the placement of the child in Garden School is not in the best interests of the child or the school, a conference will be scheduled to discuss appropriate action. If it is decided that the child be removed from the school, the registration fee will be forfeited and tuition will be prorated for the days attended by the child. If a child is withdrawn from the school during the course of the year due to moving from the area or any other reason, the registration fee will be forfeited and tuition will be prorated for the days attended by the child.
Garden School is not licensed for infants and toddlers. All children must be "potty trained" to attend school. If a registration fee is paid in the Spring for a child that is not competent in using the toilet independently by September, the fee will be refunded, and the child will not be accepted into the program. In September children do have accidents and parents are encouraged to send a change of clothes in a plastic bag with the child's name on it. If a child continues to have numerous accidents, they will be asked to withdraw until they are more reliable. The registration fee will be forfeited and tuition will be prorated for the days attended by the child. The parent has the choice of paying tuition while the child is not in school to hold their place, or go onto the waiting list and wait for an opening.

Garden School follows the San Ramon Valley School District holiday schedule. Equal tuition is charged for all nine months even though some months have more scheduled holidays. Full tuition is due for each month even if children are away for vacation, sickness or holidays not observed by Garden School. Missed days cannot be made up by attending additional days.

If a child is ill, please keep them at home. Children with a fever should stay home from school for 24 hours following the end of the fever. If a child becomes ill at school, the parents will be called first, followed by the people listed on the child's Emergency Form.
If your child contracts a highly contagious disease: chicken pox, scarlet fever, etc. Please contact the school so other parents can be notified.
No medications will be administered at school.


Parents are encouraged to come visit the classroom at any time. A call to schedule a visit is appreciated because it will prevent more than one visitor at a time, but parents are always welcome.
Parents will be asked to help in the classroom in an emergency. Please let us know if you are interested.
There will be a Parent's Meeting in the Fall to acquaint parents with other parents, the teachers, and the school. Additional functions to include parents will be scheduled throughout the year.
Conferences will be scheduled in October and in May. Additional conferences can be scheduled at any time if requested by a teacher or a parent.

Children will be released only to people authorized by a parent. If your child is to be picked up by someone not listed on your Emergency Card, you must send a note or call the school at 837-8964.

The emergency information form you fill out when you enroll your child in school is the only source of information we have in case of an emergency. Please be sure the information is complete and accurate. A periodic updating of the form is encouraged.

Garden School is a corporation licensed by the State of California. The State of California Licensing Agency has the following authority:
1. To interview children or staff and to inspect and audit child or facility records without prior consent.
2. To observe the physical condition of the children enrolled at Garden School including conditions which could indicate abuse, neglect, or inappropriate placement, and to have a medical professional physically examine the children.

Garden School reserves the right to modify any of the conditions of this agreement upon 30 days written notice.

Garden Montessori School, Preschool, Danville, Ca.

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